
I work in a recording studio and the French reggae group Sinsemilia were posing in a vintage T-Bird in the parking lot. I used Photoshop to put them in the Painted Desert with a couple of crows from the Rocky Mountains and a no-swimming sign from the Florida Everglades. The bumper reflected the cobble stones from the parking lot so I had to clone in some desert floor to make it plausible. The Belgian license plate was changed to spell the title of their album, Tout C'Qu'On A, pronounced too-skon-ah (meaning “all we’ve got”)

I made it a square format so they could use it for their CD cover, but alas, even though they really dug the picture, they’d already arranged the artwork. Grin & bear it...

All elements shot with Canon EOS 100 + EF 28-80 USM on Fuji Reala 100 ISO color print film.

Processing done in Photoshop 6.0.
