Gators and Lizards and Snakes... Oh My!

Florida is a state where historic treasure lies in the most unlikely places…
Nestled between the pristine lawns of Palm Coast`s elegant developments and the endless sands of Flagler Beach is the ruins of the ancient Bulow sugar plantation.

Accessing this beautiful state park from the beach, the change of scenery is amazing… overhanging trees covered with spanish moss, with the pointed leaves of palmetto shrubs jutting out like Flamenco dancer’s fans. And on this particular path leading up to the site of the decaying shell of the once flourishing mill, you never know what’s gonna jump out from behind one of those spooky trees and slither towards you faster than you thought it could…

When I took this shot, an afternoon thunderstorm was approaching from behind (like WAY spooky…don’t think I’d ever felt more alone and vulnerable to the elements in my life!), and I believe that such atmospheric change can affect the results you get from infrared photography.

Shot on Kodak high speed B/W infrared film with a Mamiya 35mm SLR (with manual film advance!!), 1/60 sec. at f16.

Print scanned on an Epson V500 flatbed scanner to digital, no post processing. See my image Alone On Stilts for more info on shooting with Infrared film.

Gators and Lizards and Snakes... Oh My!